One of the original pioneers in the cryptocurrency world, Bruce Fenton joins us on this episode of The Tatiana Show. Bruce is a prolific entrepreneur and event organizer founding Atlantic Financial, Chainstone Labs, the executive director of the Bitcoin Foundation, and the host and founder of the Satoshi Roundtable.

He shares his background of being raised in the financial world and led to his first brokerage job. He became the youngest VP of Morgan Stanley and this led to the creation of his own firm, Atlantic Financial in 1994. Inspired by Ron Paul and Austrian Economics and an overall interest in emerging technologies led him down the bitcoin path. This birthed the creation of and joining the as the executive director.

Bruce discusses the past, present, and future of crypto and the exciting potential he sees for blockchain technology in securities and funding small business start-ups. He gives us some insight into his involvement with The Free State Project in New Hampshire and organizing many events in his new home for the bitcoin community. Bruce also opens up about a recent brain surgery that his son underwent that helps him see what’s truly meaningful in this life.

About the Guests:

Currently, Bruce is serving as the CEO of Chainstone Labs and the founder of Atlantic Financial, which, in 1994, became the first full-service investment firm on the internet.  Prior to Atlantic Financial, he was with Morgan Stanley and specialized in emerging technologies and emerging markets.

Bruce has completed over $5.5 billion in transactions and served as a consultant to large investment funds, along with ultra high net worth individuals, and families.  Bruce has served as an advisor to one of the world’s largest charitable organizations for Gulf engagement and a top ten global private equity firm. He travels extensively,  and has lived in the US and Asia, as well as Riyadh and Dubai.

Bruce was an early and active investor in Bitcoin, Ethereum and other related projects.

Bruce has spoken at numerous conferences, the MIT Enterprise Forum, Tony Robbins Wealth Mastery, DevCore, the Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) Saudi Arabia and other major events.  He is regularly interviewed by the Wall St. Journal, Bloomberg, CNN, CNBC, Investor’s Business Daily and others.

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