Topics Include:
--"Silk Road, DPR, and Ross Ulbricht"
--"The Nature of Bitcoin"
--"Can Anarchy Work?"
--"Revolutionary Visions"

About the Guest:
- Amir Taaki created the first full reimplementation of the bitcoin protocol named libbitcoin, worked on the bitcoin client Electrum and created other command line utilities around bitcoin and the network. The bitcoin standardization procedure (Bitcoin Improvement Proposals or BIPs) was started by Taaki. In 2014, together with Cody Wilson, he launched the Dark Wallet project after a crowdfunding run on IndieGoGo which raised over $50,000. Taaki, along with other developers created a prototype for a decentralized marketplace called "DarkMarket" in 2014, at a hackathon in Toronto,[28] which was forked into the OpenBazaar project. In 2015, Taaki went to Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) to offer his tech skills, but was conscripted into the YPG military. He had no training, but spent three and a half months in the YPG military. He was then discharged and helped design the education curriculum in Rojava.

Lyn Ulbricht is the mother of Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road website. Deeply involved with her son’s defense, Lyn has worked to bring  awareness to the case through, media interviews, public appearances and other efforts. Since Ross was arrested, she has witnessed how the government prosecutes citizens; suppresses evidence; and violates the Constitution. She believes it is a story that needs to be told. Previous appearance here.

Previous episodes with Lyn Ulbricht can be found here.

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