Patterned after John Bunyan’s 17th century classic “Pilgrim’s Progress,” The New Pilgrim’s Progress is an allegorical pilgrimage through the landscape of 21st century American Christianity.

This is not your grandfather’s Pilgrim’s Progress! In this retelling of the beloved allegory, Seeker (who later changes his name to Pilgrim) meets Campus Crusader on his university campus. The evangelist instructs him to begin his journey by entering through a gate illuminated by lamppost, which strangely resembles the one at the boundary of Narnia. 

Instead of the Slough of Despond this modern Pilgrim falls into the Bog of Existential Angst, and then stays in the Town of Therapy for a while. Where Vanity Fair used to be, now there is Prosperity Gospel Ministries. Pilgrim visits the City of Megachurch where he meets people who suspiciously resemble Robert Schuller, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, and Benny Hinn. 

Pilgrim visits Theologian’s house and First Baptist Church. He meets famous preachers like Calvin, Arminius and Billy Graham, as well as familiar characters like Apollyon, Judgmental, Bored, and Spiritual but Not Religious. 

These are just a few of the adventures that Pilgrim and his companions have on their journey from their home in the Shadowlands (shades of C. S. Lewis) to their Destination beyond the river. This is a romp through contemporary American Christianity that I hope will get you thinking deeply and laughing out loud.