Previous Episode: Pain and Nonduality

Christian Nonduality and the  Biblical God

Addressing Religious Compatibility and Violence
Marshall addressed concerns about the compatibility of non-duality with the Old Testament God's violent nature, specifically in light of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Marshall clarified that true Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are religions of peace, and the violence perpetuated in the name of these religions does not represent their true teachings.

Divine Reality and Scripture Interpretation
He also claimed that every scripture, when taken literally, distorts this divine reality, but at its best, it serves as a window to this nondual reality that is the heart of all spiritual traditions.

Non-Dual Perspective on Gaza Conflict
Marshall discussed the ongoing conflict in Gaza from a non-dual perspective, emphasizing the importance of understanding the suffering and complexities on both sides. He urged compassion and love towards all parties involved, rather than aligning with one side or labeling them as 'good' or 'evil'. He spoke of the importance of non-dual awareness in achieving lasting peace and encouraged spiritual people of all faiths to embody peace and speak out for it.

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