Previous Episode: 92: The Tender Age
Next Episode: 94: Nuts To Face

The Tangent - 93: In The Pants, On The Floor

Every once in a while there is an episode that gets a little out of hand. This is probably on of them.

Brian is first and he starts with Dishonored 2. Chipping away, chipping away. However, he's really into Dragon Quest Builders. I mean, he does really love the game. The Zelda meets Minecraft is the new go to for the "Brian Shitter Game™" title. His smartphone now gets no love. Then, the Last Guardian is the big game of the week, and that's where Anthony Jumps in. A game that took 10 years to come out. They both have a lot to say (well, Brian mainly), but they both agree overall about what the game turned out to be. Speaking of what turned out to be, it turns out, Pokemon Moon & Sun is just taking over Anthony, Gary, and Justin's time. Mostly, because of the hand holding. It's just too much.   Gary quizzes us on Dead Rising 4. How many Zombies in the game? I think God Mic has the correct answer (as always). Finishing things up is Justin. Sleeping Dogs (lie never
far enough away). A game with Batman Arkham series-like fighting. Sounds like it could be good. Justin enjoys it.

The Drunken News this week is definitely drunken. We've got Nintendo on Jimmy Fallon, A Sony PS4 Pro conspiracy, 50 million PS4s, Bully on iOS, and plenty more shenanigans. 


The Drunken Show Notes:

Sony admits to plotting PlayStation’s HDR launch for three years First Switch accessories appear at EB Games Australia, system may use USB-C charging Microsoft says the wait for Crackdown 3 will be a year at most Zelda: Wind Waker 2 Was Cancelled By Nintendo Report: Dark Souls 3 Running on Switch, From Software Considering Trilogy ReRelease Sources: Nintendo Switch will have GameCube Virtual Console support Sony has sold 50 million PlayStation 4s Miyamoto on Mario Run and Wii experiments, Pokemon GO’s success, Nintendogs may work better as mobile-only Zelda: Breath of the Wild demoed on Switch for the first time on The Tonight Show Video: Shigeru Miyamoto and The Roots perform the Super Mario Bros. theme 'Bully: Anniversary Edition' Launches on iOS App Store for $6.99 Video Round-Up: PlayStation Experience 2016 Super Mario Run Requires an Internet Connection at All Times to Play


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