Buckle up, game fans, because this week we're getting down to it in our Tournament of Champions! All season long we've been wittling down the competitors to find the ultimate champion of all videogamedom. Now only 16 titles remain, which means we have 8 heavyweight matchups to decide and no easy outs. Who will take the crown? Join us to find out!

The matchups:

Halo 2 vs. Super Mario World

The Last of Us vs. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Dark Souls vs. Resident Evil 4

Portal 2 vs. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Hades vs. Skyrim

Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow vs. Overwatch

Halo vs. Tetris

World of Warcraft vs. Hollow Knight

Full bracket availible on our blog.


Thanks for listening!

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