Christmas Call-in Spectacular

Ok, fine, "spectacular" isn't exactly the right word, but let's not dwell on that! Let's dwell on the fact that it's been about 5 months since the last show! .....No, you know what, let's not dwell on that either. Ok, here, dwell on 2020 coming to a close! There you go, something positive. And personally, with so much craziness that happened in 2020, and so so so much happening since the last show, let's just say I'm happy to start the new year on a new foot. 

Beardy promised weeks ago to do this show and tried to back out of it until I showed him proof of his commitment. Then in the Christmas spirit I decided to do a live show and that's how we got these two awesome guests!

Thanks to Strip Mahjong, longtime member and supporter of the Future Monkeys community, and thanks to Al, host of the Retro Rents Podcast!! Together with Beardy - former co-host, retired, and said to never do another show again only to come back and co-host 90% of my shows here - we talked about Christmas, the positive things that we got out of 2020, games we're playing, and all that good stuff!


Links and Info Discussed

@RetroRentsAl - Al's Twitter
@TheRetroRents - Al's podcast on Twitter
Where to find/download The Retro 'Rents
@BeardyMcWhiskey - Secret agent man


Contact The Talking Place

If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below! 

Voicemail - @TheTalkingPlace
Email - [email protected]

If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and email me at the above address and we'll chat! 

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