Jason Snell returns to the show. Life during the COVID-19 pandemic, WWDC going online-only, Apple's in-person on-campus workplace culture, speculation on upcoming Apple product releases, and more.

Jason Snell returns to the show. Life during the COVID-19 pandemic, WWDC going online-only, Apple's in-person on-campus workplace culture, speculation on upcoming Apple product releases, and more.

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Don Schaffner’s thread on the safety of takeout.
From the DF archive back in 2004: “Dashboard vs. Konfabulator”.
Google pays Apple a fortune to remain the default search engine in Safari.
MacRumors: Some Apple Employees Say Company’s Culture of Secrecy Makes Working From Home Challenging.
“Be fast, have no regrets” — pandemic response advice from Dr. Michael J Ryan.
Panic’s Audion Story
Panic Podcast: “Audion and On”
The Incomparable’s Star Wars listen-along commentary special

This episode of The Talk Show was edited by Caleb Sexton.

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