Very special guests Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi join the show. Topics include: the new features in Apple's upcoming OS releases (iOS 9.3 and tvOS 9.2); why Apple is expanding its public beta program for OS releases; iTunes's monolithic design; how personally involved Eddy and Craig are in using, testing, and installing beta software; the sad decline of Duke's men's basketball team; and more.

Very special guests Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi join the show. Topics include: the new features in Apple's upcoming OS releases (iOS 9.3 and tvOS 9.2); why Apple is expanding its public beta program for OS releases; iTunes's monolithic design; how personally involved Eddy and Craig are in using, testing, and installing beta software; the sad decline of Duke's men's basketball team; and more.

Some scoops too, including: the weekly number of iTunes and App Store transactions, an updated Apple Music subscriber count, peak iMessage traffic per second, and the number of iCloud account holders.

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Apple’s iOS beta preview page.
Apple Insider on the new features in tvOS 9.2.
Walt Mossberg: “Apple’s Apps Need Work”.
Yours truly, following up on Mossberg’s column.
Duke falls out of AP Top 25 for the first time in more than eight years.

This episode of The Talk Show was edited by Caleb Sexton.