Jason Snell returns to the show, with a lot to talk about: Pebble's new Pebble Time smartwatch, the "Safari is the New IE" argument, the state of web advertising (and its adverse effects on performance and privacy) and monetization, and more.

Jason Snell returns to the show, with a lot to talk about: Pebble's new Pebble Time smartwatch, the "Safari is the New IE" argument, the state of web advertising (and its adverse effects on performance and privacy) and monetization, and more.

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Adam Lisagor guest-posting on Kottke.org back in 2007. And Jason Kottke’s introduction.
Ben Thompson on how web advertising works today. It’s gross.
Mary Meeker’s slide on mobile’s share of attention vs. advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2015.
Jason on MLB’s experimental native Mac app for watching games.
Jason: “Web Developers Are Grumpy About Safari”.
Rene Ritchie: “Safari Isn’t the New IE: It’s the User-Centric Web”.
My wife’s photo of me and Phil Schiller on stage last month.
Spark — excellent new iOS email app from Readdle that Jason is using.
