Prelude to WWDC 2015 episode, featuring special guest Mark Gurman. We cover anything and everything you’d want to know heading into WWDC.

Prelude to WWDC 2015 episode, featuring special guest Mark Gurman. We cover anything and everything you’d want to know heading into WWDC.

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Gurman’s WWDC expectation roundup at 9to5Mac.
That hack to use San Francisco as the system font on Yosemite.
Eddy Cue at game 1 of the NBA Finals.
Gurman’s 2014 feature on Apple PR.
Techmeme’s “leaderboard”, and their FAQ explaining how it works.
Ross Floate: ‘Your Next Project Needs a White-Hat Jerk’.
Last year’s Slack flaw that let you see the team names from any company.
