Special guest Dan Frommer joins the show to talk about prop bets in Vegas, more *Star Wars*, some follow-up on James Bond, what Apple should do with its mountain of cash, speculation on why iPad sales growth has stagnated, and more. Also, some in-depth segments on Instagram and the concept of “institutional taste”.

Special guest Dan Frommer joins the show to talk about prop bets in Vegas, more Star Wars, some follow-up on James Bond, what should Apple do with its mountains of cash?, speculation on why iPad sales growth has stagnated, and more. Also, some in-depth segments on Instagram and the concept of “institutional taste”.

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Great photo of Dan, recording the show at Quartz’s office.
Dan’s article, “Ten Things We Learned About Apple in 2014”.
The Cubs sign ex-Rays manager Joe Madden and pitcher Jon Lester.
Superbowl 51 will go back to stupid Roman numerals.
Eric Jackson’s piece for Forbes, “Apple’s $100 Billion Waste: Tim Cook’s Single Biggest Mistake As CEO”, wherein he argues Apple should buy Tesla, Twitter, and Pinterest.
GT Advanced and their crazy approach to making deals.
Instagram active user announcement.
Ev Williams “doesn’t give a shit” about Instagram’s numbers.
OK Go’s latest video. Seriously, watch this.
Stephen Colbert on the new Sith lightsaber in The Force Awakens teaser.
