Previous Episode: EP 34 Bailey Cole
Next Episode: EP 36 Levi Shirley

A play on the triumph and losses in performance and life.  The Talent Tank podcast will navigate the inner workings of lifestyle, lives, family, teams, careers, programs, and technology in and around the offroad motorsports industry.  What breeds success with your Talent Tank on full, failures when its on empty.  From the journey to the Starting Line to take that Green Flag, on to exploring trials and tribulations on and off the track in pursuit of victorious achievement and the Checkered Flag.

Jumping into the The Talent Tank this week is a bigger than life character that goes by the moniker The Dusty Gnome. He is anything but infinitesimal.  Current VP of Marketing and Communications for ULTRA4 Racing and for many of us, our good buddy, Alan Johnson @thedustygnome.  While it did take some coercing of Alan, some hesitation on his part, and ultimately chiding, you're going to enjoy the next two hours of one of the many behind the scenes personalities that keep the Ultra4 train on the tracks and charging hard.   The twists and unexpected turns that Alan has navigated in life are nothing short of impressive.  From his days in a band trying to make it in Nashville, to having a mid-life crisis that made him throw his hat in the "Every Man Challenge" ring at 40 years old, he has done it all.  Alan is a modern day Jekyll and Hyde. He juggles his professional suit and tie, bill paying gig in the dental software world with his dust covered cargo pants, flip flops and offroad scarf wearing alter ego.  I hope you enjoy this Episode highlighting the guy for all things media, perception, and focused narrative of unlimited offroad 4-wheel drive racing that is Ultra4.   

Headshot provided by Lona Scott of Scott's Designs @scotts.designs

After the Checkered Flag-
Offroad scarf?  The shemagh (pronounced “schmog”) – also called a keffiyeh and ghutrah – originated in the Middle East. They are a scarf-type wrap commonly found in arid regions to provide protection from direct sun exposure, as well to protect the mouth and eyes from blown dust and sand.  There are many different names for the shemagh, like keffiyeh and ghutrah. One style of the white and red keffiyeh is typically associated with Jordan, while another white and red pattern is associated with the Arabian Peninsula. The white and black ones are typically associated with Iraq.

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