Being “always on” is exhausting if you’re a small recruitment team. Always screening CVs, always staying late to interview overseas candidates, always with a mile long to do list.  

But it doesn’t have to be like that.  

We all know that 2023 is going to be a big year for business. And a tough year — with huge global changes making trading conditions difficult for some.  

So how do you ensure your hiring and people strategy doesn’t suffer?  

With always on recruiting...  

But what does that mean?  

In this bonus episode of The Talent Intelligence Podcast, our new Head of Talent Solutions, Al Frater, discusses just that. And...  

What Talent Solutions really means  How AI will affect the future of recruiting  The ways in which the gig economy is already changing recruitment  And why zoology is the perfect degree to kick start a career in recruitment 🤔

Not to mention a peek into Al’s crystal ball for recruiting in 2023 and beyond.

Listen to Salma El-Wardany's DE&I Downturn webinar: