We live in a time when our roles change on a very regular basis. We’re expected to learn new skills, expand our ability to make an impact and rethink our role every year, every quarter and some time every week. How you described what a “data scientist” or “marketer” or “office manager” did on a daily basis two years ago would get them fired today for lacking the ability to create value.
This season of The Talent Cast is sponsored by RecruitmentMarketing.com.
Open source text of Talent Chooses You can be found at employerbrandbook.com.

We live in a time when our roles change on a very regular basis. We’re expected to learn new skills, expand our ability to make an impact and rethink our role every year, every quarter and some time every week. How you described what a “data scientist” or “marketer” or “office manager” did on a daily basis two years ago would get them fired today for lacking the ability to create value.

This season of The Talent Cast is sponsored by RecruitmentMarketing.com.

Open source text of Talent Chooses You can be found at employerbrandbook.com.