The Capitol Insurrection's Impact on American Democracy

In a recent article for The Atlantic, “Trump’s Next Coup Has Already Begun,” staff writer Barton Gellman looks at the events leading to Jan 6., Republican efforts to subvert democracy, and how this could impact upcoming elections. 

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman Shares Her Story of Surviving the Insurrection

Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman joins us to discuss her experience during the insurrection at the Capitol last year as well as the upcoming public hearings.

A Historian Reflects on How to Teach the Insurrection

Professor Hasan Jeffries of The Ohio State University has focused his research on the long history of Black struggle, and his work reminds us that the violence we saw at the Capitol one year ago is not an anomaly—in fact political violence has long been a feature of how white supremacy has asserted itself in this country.  

Did the Lack of Civics in American Education Help Cause the Insurrection?

Will Bunch, national opinion columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer and  Coshandra Dillard, a senior writer for Learning for Justice, join us to discuss how civics could play a role in preventing events like this in future. 

How the Big Lie Led to the Insurrection

The core motivation behind the violence we saw a year ago on January 6, is a belief in The Big Lie– the self-serving falsehood perpetrated by former President Trump himself that the 2020 election was stolen.

For transcripts, see individual segment pages.

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