It’s been four months since the U.S. economy shut down as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Since then, more than three million Americans have been infected by the virus and tens of millions have lost their jobs. In March, Congress passed a $2 trillion economic relief package tasked with getting money to individuals and businesses after coronavirus brought the global economy to a halt. The CARES act expanded unemployment benefits, provided direct stimulus payments, and assistance with federal student loans.

And while wishful thinking had many hoping that by now we’d have a better grip on the virus and the economic downturn, the reality is just the opposite. At the end of this month the additional $600 per week in unemployment benefits that many have come to depend on is set to expire. Congressional reporters Nick Fandos from The New York Times and Li Zhou from Vox share what we can expect as Congress prepares to return from their July recess.  




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