The Equal Rights Amendment, an amendment to the Constitution that would invalidate any state law that discriminates against women, has been on a nearly 100 year journey. It was first introduced in 1923 and did not pass both the Senate and House until March 1972. On January 27,  2020. Virginia became the 38th state to vote for ratification.

Section 3 of the amendment states that it takes effect two years after its ratification, so by that standard the ERA became law on Friday... or did it?

Representative Carolyn Maloney represents New York’s 12th Congressional district and chairs the Oversight and Reform Committee. She joined to discuss the resolution and the amendment’s importance. 


The Equal Rights Amendment, an amendment to the Constitution that would invalidate any state law that discriminates against women, has been on a nearly 100 year journey. It was first introduced in 1923 and did not pass both the Senate and House until March 1972. On January 27,  2020. Virginia became the 38th state to vote for ratification.

Section 3 of the amendment states that it takes effect two years after its ratification, so by that standard the ERA became law on Friday... or did it?

Representative Carolyn Maloney represents New York’s 12th Congressional district and chairs the Oversight and Reform Committee. She joined to discuss the resolution and the amendment’s importance.