Two million people have fled Ukraine since Russia invaded two weeks ago. 

The UN's high commissioner for refugees has praised the response from Poland, Romania, and Hungary where Ukrainians have fled in search of safety from the relentless attacks. But he acknowledged the horror of what the people themselves are experiencing. 

Many global humanitarian organizations in neighboring countries have tried to aid those still in Ukraine, but they’re struggling to employ the normal channels as ports are blocked and roads compromised by bombings

The Kremlin offered to create so-called humanitarian corridors for civilians to safely leave Ukraine, but mainly allowed pathways leading to Russia and their ally Bela-roos. And as of today, both Ukrainian officials and the Red Cross have cited danger, including mines, along the only routes that led to other parts of Ukraine.

According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, more than four hundred civilians have been killed in Ukraine and over 800 injured since the Russian invasion began. 

For more on this, The Takeaway spoke with  Adam Keehn, Director of Complex Emergencies at the global non-profit Americares.