The Table Read 16 - Wil Dalphin

This week's Table Read takes us all the way back to the inception of the NoSleep Subreddit as we sit down with one of its first viral hit authors & Lily Madwhip creator, Wil Dalphin. We discuss the history of the subreddit, his featured stories on The NoSleep Podcast, writing serialised work vs one shots and more.

The official wiki for Wil and all his works

The Lily Madwhip Subreddit

Wil's entire featured work on The NoSleep Podcast

Wil's book "Don't Look Away" featuring 35 tales is available now on Amazon

 Follow our sister show, "The Writers Mythos" on Twitter

Hosted and Produced by: T. J. Lea, follow TJ on twitter @tjaylea and on Reddit at r/tjaylea

Executive Producer: David Cummings

Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone

Logo by: Paddy Beirne

Audio program ©2020 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.

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