The Table Read 013 - Mark Nixon

This weeks Table Read has us tackling the Shadows at the door with its eponymous host and creator: Mark Nixon. We talk about the trials and tribulations of running a show, LGBTQ representation in horror, our love of David Ault, Doctor Who & much, much more.


 The Shadows At The Door Podcast info on Stitcher


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 Shadows At The Door's Ko-Fi Link to help support Season 3 for as little as £3


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Hosted and Produced by: T. J. Lea, follow TJ on twitter @tjaylea and on Reddit at r/tjaylea

Executive Producer: David Cummings

Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone

Logo by: Paddy Beirne

Audio program ©2020 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.

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