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Next Episode: TR016 PAAN

This episode was not created by the team at Northern Unicorn Films Table Reads. We support other creatives by adding their table reads to this podcast.


A live reading of the award-winning feature script "SWEET CUISINE", written by Dantè Orange, recut for entertainment purposes.  

Amanda Cutler is a small-town waitress with exceptional culinary prowess and a checkered past with the law. If that weren’t bad enough, Amanda is stuck in a lousy marriage while grieving the loss of her infant daughter. Determined to change her life, Amanda sets out to accomplish her lifelong goal of having her own restaurant. In order to make her dream a reality, she enlists the help of a resourceful banker as well as her closest friends and relatives, whose personal woes tie in to her own. Her best friend Chelsea is a single parent, struggling to make ends meet after beating addiction. Derek, Amanda's nerdy love interest, does what he can to support her goals but a troubling secret could threaten their friendship and any shot at romance. Just when it seems things couldn’t get any worse, her childhood adversary returns to town and upon her arrival, the feud picks up where it ended. The sooner Amanda can conquer these hurdles, the sooner she’ll learn that the most bitter journey makes the end result deliciously sweet.  

The reading featured professional actors on the rise, performed via Zoom and streamed to YouTube on July 10th 2021.

For more information on this script, Dantè Orange can be reached at: [email protected]  IG: mrdanteorange  Twitter: DanteOrange


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