Happy New Year!!! 2021 was a trashfire and I'm glad its dead. Let's celebrate with some awesome new music!

The playlist is in order and marked as follows:

Title by Artist – Album (Game)

Noise Reduction by Ultraklystron - Misanthropomorphic Widescreen 2Keeper by Shubzilla & Bill Beats - The Belmont TapesFear of a Blockchain Planet by MC Lars - Blockchain Planetain't nobody by An Hobbes - left on read2 The Max by SkyBlew - SkyBlew x Navo The Maestro - Keys Of LightCardi Maybe by SwagSwitcha ft. SirenSeraph - Para-dIdle Hands (feat. Dain Saint) by Zilla Persona - Civil EngineeringOHMIGOD! by Ohm-IEx Robin by GR3YS0N - Back 2 BlüdhavenPlayin' Stupid Games by Wreck the SystemThe Fairy Fountain (prod. Smooth4Lyfe) [Wind Waker] by Super Smack - Neon BlueAnixety Prod. Modestmind by Lord XzaeWouldn't Change by Bag Of Tricks Cat - Milk & VodkaChoice (The Cost) by Kadesh FlowFanny Pack by Creative Mind Frame - Run It BackComeback Player Of The Year (Kazu's KK Remix) by Mega Ran

Artists featured this hour:

Ultraklystron – karlrolson.com

Shubzilla - shubzilla.bandcamp.com

Bill Beats - noirgrime.com

MC Lars - mclars.com

An Hobbes - anhobbes.bandcamp.com

SkyBlew – skyblew1.bandcamp.com

SwagSwitcha - swagswitcha.bandcamp.com

Zilla Persona - zillapersona.com

Ohm-I - mcohmi.com

GR3YS0N (Frm NyteXing,Maverick da Roninn) - gr3ys0n.bandcamp.com

Wreck the System – wreckthesystem.bandcamp.com

Super Smack - supersmackraps.com

Lord Xzae - https://lordxzae.bandcamp.com

Bag of Tricks Cat - Bagoftrickscat.com

Kadesh Flow – kadeshflow.com

Creative Mind Frame (AKA 1-Up) - creativemindframe.bandcamp.com

Mega Ran – megaran.com

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