Subscriber-only episode

Become Slightly Famous 

How ?

Listen as  I share how  Charisma  and Charm will help you to be positioned  as a leader in your industry 

Perhaps you have attended a business meeting and  listened to great conversations. 

Have you ever captivated and held the attention  of your audience  for 45 minutes ?

Can you remember when you interacted, engaged, and had brilliant content the audience were thinking WOW 

Our economy demands we must differentiate and be unique in how we deliver presentations that persuade, educate and motivate the audience 

Want to have the competitive edge. develop the skills and character that separates speakers from economy to first-class ?

Become a " Celebrity "in your Industry 

Become a Professional Performance based Speaker ?

Download the attached 2 Ebooks My gift to you

24 Celebrity Speaking Tips

The Art of Speaking Framework

About Sheena
Click the above link to join my 6 week Signature Speaking Program
Ongoing through 2023

Contact me for a Shaping Design call

© ℗. copyright Sheena Walker