Before the current global CoVid situation I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr Uri Meyer-Chissick.     Uri is well educated in multiple areas of food cultures, food and nutrition history, including extensive research into medieval medical scholars including the famous Jewish scholar and doctor Maimondes.  

In Israel Uri is outspoken in the need to reconnect with our local biome and more specifically our local food history, cultures and traditions surrounding food.  Appearing on multiple Israeli news stations and independent media, including an amazing Ted Talk where he chronicles his family decision to go totally local for a year.

He also runs a centre in the north of Israel that reconnects people to; food and local food preparation traditions and place, through regular group wild foraging tours. For those wanting to go deeper still, Uri also consults privately on deeper health from his center, and educates in natural medicine through lectures online and in person, locally and globally. He is the author of several books on wildcrafting, food as medicine, as established in the medieval Arabic world, and local food vs the issue of modern processed food.  

It was a real pleasure to welcome Uri to the show. 

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