Graduating from the university of Spain with a degree in agriculture and deeply unsatisfied with his formal education and the offered career prospects, Juanfran left it all behind and set out for deeper answers to a lot of unanswered questions.  

This episode we hosted a very special guest Juanfran Lopez.  Juanfran is a fast rising and yet unsung hero of regenerative agriculture. 

Juan has learnt from truly amazing mentors, in Latin America and abroad. His mission passed from his mentors was clear, learn the deepest science behind modern agriculture and natural processes held secret by the mainstream, distill the science, and condense it into a practical and understandable form and methodology for small farmers worldwide. With this incredible mandate and tool, Juanfran has begun his own mission of traveling the world and sharing the deepest practical science behind soil vitality with small farmers. Along the way Juanfran has included the mission of preserving the traditional knowledge of farmers and passing it on to others.  

I really appreciate the work of Juanfran and I am consistently blown away by the simple but penetrating insights that comes from this content, even though I've personally known of it many years through Juanfran's mentors!

 With working experience on large farms and small, with universities and government bodies, Juanfran has conducted courses in over 30 countries worldwide. Focusing on bringing cutting edge science and knowledge out of the labs, back down to earth and into the hands of farmers.

Juanfran is steeped in the secrets of ecological self regulation and the natural abundance that comes from aligning with natural processes that promote abundant life in and on the soil.

Communicate with Juanfran here, (stay tuned for Juan's upcoming website

and check out his KILLER(!) new book here

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Stay in Tune with The EcoIQ Podcast

09:15 Patrick Whitefield

12:00 Jairo Restrepo

15:30 3 Key Tips for bio fertilisers

21:25 empowering small farmers - life processes and cycles

28:00 Allan Savory- complex vs complicated

30:07 Learning to think and not just do- bringing academia down to earth

32:00 A farmers laboratory is the land

35:00 Self regenerating patterns

38:50 Drugs for plants or soil engineers -converting to organic

43:10 Quantity or quality

45:15 Remineralisation

53:25 Don't convince, seduce