Head Mule~ Michele sits down with Natalie Brunson and Kyle Braund to chat about our trip to Mukilteo, Washington and attending ATRA conference 2023. Kyle is a 21 year old new trail runner that is interested in working in the sport. Tim Tollefson was the keynote speaker of conference and Kyle shares how Tim has helped him.  Natalie is a long time trail runner, with 9 kids, and passionate about making time for herself to run trails. We share a little about ourselves as runners, and our experience at American Trail Running Association conference. We share about the trails we visit in Washington.    This is a mixed race, and age group of trail runners that get along well and want to share our challenges, peace, and dream for the ultra and trail running community. Watch for more Michele, Kyle and Natalie shows!   Michele is currently 56 years old and training for a 50 mile race Natalie is in her 40s, juggling family life and training for 100 mile race Kyle is 21 years old, talented runner in college and planning his future in trail and ultrarunning