Along the way to becoming one of the greatest leaders the world has ever known, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King marched, fought and ultimately died for our right to have freedom, equality and respect. Unfortunately, with the popularity of buffoonish shows television shows like: Love & Hip Hop, Empire, & Scandal…along with no class but a lot of ass entertainers like: Beyonce and Nicky Minaj…. It’s become evident that society will never respect us because we’re not respecting ourselves. Please join us tonight at 9:00pm EST for a rebroadcast of our annual, “Remembering the Dream MLK Special”, where this year, we’ll focus on the portrayal of African Americans in Entertainment and how Reverend King would feel about it if he were alive today. Listen 7 nights a week by calling 646 200 0366 or listen online worldwide at “REAL Radio that Matters for Over 10 Years”.#RRTM