Valentine Love Song for Christian Couples to share:
Song of Solomon Chapter 1Psalms 62, 63, 18 (NIV)Ecclesiastes 4:9Genesis 2:18Mark 10:8
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The Christian View is brought to you by EarthlyMinistry.Org in association with Earthly Ministry Foundation PO Box 775, Spencer, OK 73084

New Program Segment Added:

"Give Me Five" scripture readings brought to you by Earthly Ministry Foundation, hosted and read by Chad Chandler, Sr.  Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m. central.

How many times in your busy day have you desired to spend time reading the scriptures and "life" just got in the way.  Now you can join our listening audience and take "Just a Moment" to fellowship with God by listening to the scriptures from your ipad, ipod, cell phone or computer. Five mintutes, "Yeah, you can do it."

Contact Info:  [email protected]

Books Referenced