Good morning listeners.  Welcome to the Christian View on this beautiful, blessed Lord’s day. I’m Sister Claudette of Earthly Ministry Church Foundation

Our topic today is God’s legacy and how that legacy lives on through you. God’s legacy is an eternal legacy.  It will last forever, eternity. What makes that so wonderful is that you don’t have to be perfect to be a part of God’s family, because Jesus is. Only believe and receive that truth. The scriptures show that Jesus’ lineage included some of the same family types we have today in our families. We love our family, the children, grandchildren, nieces, siblings, nephews, cousins, uncle, aunts, in-laws and the outlaws.  God is the originator of Family and He sent His Son to reclaim His family. Our prayer is that you have received that gift of salvation paid for by God’s Son, Jesus.

Whose legacy do you want to be a part of? Heaven? or Hell? God says “Choose Life”

Who in their right mind would want Hell…a forever of screaming, torment, cursing, fire and brimstone, wanting to die but can’t, in agony, separated from God’s presence and all good things as your conscience mind tells you that you didn’t have to be here.  Satan, the deceiver, tricked you with his lies. God is not a liar and Jesus is Truth. Today is the appointed time!

I’ve asked Pastor Shelia Louis of Tabernacle of David International Worship Center in Midwest City, OK to share a special prayer with you today and Mrs. Dorothy Brewer Mustin, of Walk with God Ministry, Glendale AZ to share a short testimony.

We thank God for everyone who participated in our program today.  God’s Blessings & peace in Jesus’ Name!

Free prayer guide at www.earthlyministry.org