He slammed her up against the wall pinned her there and fisted her. Something that seemed so light-hearted turned into a violent rape and traumatized her so she never had a romantic relationship again. "He raped me whether I screamed or not". He's got a tiny mushroom pecker and loves to inflict pain. When he abducted children-boys and girls with Jeffrey Epstein they would compete amongst each other to be the first to rape the child, according to legal documents I've read elsewhere everybody should check out the Katie Johnson case 2016 obviously he threatened her so she withdrew the case in 2016 so he could run for president. Everybody in America should know that Trump and Jeffrey Epstein abducted children like Maria, 13, PR girl snatched from waiting for her mother in front of store in New Haven Connecticut, brutally raped and tortured by the two of them. Tks anchor and Spotify and podcasts in general for allowing us to talk about these things without our free speech and speaking the truth being suspended. JUST TO REMIND YALL OF A GREAT MOMENT IN HISTORY WHEN DIAPERDON THE WORST CRIMINAL IN HUMAN HISTORY WAS FOUND GUILTY OR HIS TRUMP ORGANIZATION WAS FOUND GUILTY AT 34 COUNTS OF CRIMINAL FELONY BUSINESS FRAUD!!!!! πŸ˜† NEHEHHH!!! SO NOW HE HAS TO KISS SOME SAUDI AND RUSSIAN GANGSTER ASS LOL UNTIL HES DISQUALIFIED FROM OFFICE UNDER 14TH AMENDMENT πŸ€™ CALL DOJ 202-514-2000

Hey Michael I just tried to produce a 5 second clip of your hilarious πŸ˜‚quip that his ass must be jealous of the πŸ’© that comes out of his mouth πŸ‘„" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ is that a Brooklyn expression or something πŸ˜† jersey? & here's a reminder I'm a real producer and can you please remind the other members of the network to please make sure your settings enable clips to be maids when you upload your videos thank you so much for all you do you are a freaking national hero to me and if you want to be on my executive ticket 2020 for I'm running for pres but I would be honored to be your VP if you want to run HMU!! We will crush Trump and disqualify him from office before the race because we have standing in the courts! We can sue as executive presidential and vice-presidential candidates that he is off the ballot πŸ—³οΈ and thus SAVE AMERICA πŸ†πŸ’• PS EVERYBODY IN THE MEIDASTOUCH NETWORK WOULD HAVE SPOT IN MY/OUR ADMINISTRATION πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ€ͺπŸ’–
Message to one of my favorite Berkeley props #RobertReich
Thanks for following me, #comedycentral! And Netflix can I have my own show? 😁
What do you think about this, women's March?
βœ‰οΈ to Pulitzer prize winning LA times investigative writer and reporter @davidjohnston92 ! THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE πŸ’ž I look forward to the possibility of working with you in future our interests fit perfectly and would you like to be my mentor? 😁 I have decades of experience in all types of journalism radio TV social media guru now candidate for POTUS 2024 Oxford'
Berkeley Taipei Medical University honors grad award-winning writer researcher scholar comic poet artist musician supermodel πŸ˜† worked at the state department under Clinton.
#breaking announcing my bid for presidency everyday is like #groundhogDay the movie it's like herding cats, and besides I'm geofenced anyway. I know if DHS and Pima county sheriff's Department actually allow me to communicate with the American public that they would really dig me! I'm kind of like the #VaclevHavel of the USA! I've lived many lives in many countries for my age - I'm like the #BenFranklin of my time! and I have done all my favorite jobs in journalism and teaching. Now begins my time of public service and whether or not anybody votes for me I'm president anyway how about that LOL kind of like diaperdon declassifying top secret documents with his mind alone!
Or it will be like A