We're ending this 2nd season of the podcast talking about burnout. Something many of us may have experienced due to this past stressful year and a half juggling things like a  pandemic, racism, asian hate, climate change, women rights  and the list goes on. 

So yes, burnout is real and is now a legitimate medical diagnosis, that doctors can label you with- which makes total sense. Tune into this 25-minute solo episode to learn all you need to know about burnout and ways to combat it. 

In this episode, we talk about:

The 50 year old History of Burnout and it’s Definition it- cause we love definitionsSigns and symptoms of burnoutDepression vs burnout- cause they differentThen we are going to wrap it all up talking about- How to deal with burnout and reset

Where I get my info from:

Burnout Prevention and TreatmentThe Fascinating History of BurnoutBrief history of burnoutWhat are the 5 stages of burnout?

Follow and Support:

Purchase our new bookmarks. All proceeds go to the podcast.Visit our website. Follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and watch episodes on Youtube  and feel free to donate.To learn more about the podcast host Toya, visit ToyaFromHarlem.com. Connect with Toya on Instagram, Twitter,and LinkedIn

Follow and Support:

Purchase our new bookmarks. All proceeds go to the podcast.Visit our website. Follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and watch episodes on Youtube  and feel free to donate.To learn more about the podcast host Toya, visit ToyaFromHarlem.com. Connect with Toya on Instagram, Twitter,and LinkedIn


Visit our website.Follow  and tag @thatwasntinmytextbook on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and feel free to donate.Sign up for podcast newsletter To learn more about the podcast host Toya, visit ToyaFromHarlem.com. Connect with Toya on Instagram and Twitter, or buy her a coffee.

Research and scripted by host Latoya Coleman (@ToyaFromHarlem).
Edited and Mixed by Chris Mann
Music Licensed through Epidemic Sound

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