Now, I'm not usually one to talk about politics, finances, world events, or even "the news", but when it's something as big as a Reddit thread taking down the financial giant that *was* Wall Street? You know we have to talk about it—and from a metaphysical/spiritual perspective 🔮⁣

All last year, I was receiving messages from my guides that were heavily focused around the financial system. So many, in fact, that I started to detach from money completely—how we "value" it, the fact that it doesn't actually exist in the way we *think* it does, and that the only reason it has power is because we, as a collective, have chosen to believe in it 🤯 Whether that choice was conscious or not is another story—but what's happening on Wall Street is a prime example of a collective understanding that the current systems and structures in place are *not* serving the greatest good. Deep down, we've all known that—and thanks to a coordinated effort from the non-1% (like you and me), there's been a major disruption to one such system 💰⁣

One of the most fascinating messages I've been receiving is to *embrace* the chaos. To, in a sense, encourage the destruction 💣 This is what it will take to rebuild and start anew. With over 5 planets shifting into Aquarius between now and February, next month is going to be wild 👀And I'm making a commitment to share what comes through in my readings, even if it doesn't make sense to me at the moment. In hindsight, it always does.⁣