Every time you search outside yourself for validation, acceptance, security, wholeness, and love, you give your power away. Every time you feel like you *need* something out there to happen or be a certain way before taking action, you give your power away. Every time you depend on someone else to deliver results, make you feel a certain way, or give you attention… say it with me: YOU GIVE YOUR POWER AWAY 😑

As a society, we have this weird “When I…” complex, and yet when that “when” never comes, we revert to some level of feeling like *something* can save us, right? 😅 But there’s a massive difference between feeling SUPPORTED by family members, your partner, friends, your boss, the government, society as a whole, and feeling COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on the actions of these things/people.

💥 Your job isn’t going to “save you” from feelings of financial insecurity.

💥 Your partner isn’t going to “save you” from ever feeling lonely again.

💥 Your diet isn’t going to “save you” from having shitty body image days.

💥 Your government isn’t going to “save you” from a “pandemic”. (I mean, clearly. Look at where we are…)

So perhaps we’ve been going about this all wrong. Perhaps it isn’t “saving” that we need. Perhaps it’s about getting into absolute alignment with our divine power 🙏 It’s something we all have access to… so why aren’t we using it? 🤔

We're talking about this and more in today's episode!

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