Jessica Zweig is the CEO of The SimplyBe. Agency and a personal branding expert. Today, she and Alexa divulge what it’s like to be in business with your significant other. Jess shares how aligning as one team with the same mission, values, and dream transformed her marriage. She shares how she and her husband create conscious boundaries between their marriage and working relationship, and ways they shift from their CEO and CFO energy into husband and wife intimacy.

Today on That Sex Chick:

What it’s like being in business with your partnerConscious boundaries, sacred weekends, & scheduled intimacyShifting from business mode to sexy timeHow working with her husband healed Jess’s marriageHow your relationship deepens when you work togetherAdvice for couples going into business together

Connect with Jessica:

IG: @jessicazweig / @simplybeagencyPodcast: The SimplyBe. PodcastBuy Jessica’s Book “Be.” hereVisit simplybeagency.comVisit

Connect with Alexa:

Instagram: @thatsexchickWebsite: sexandlove.coFree resources: Group: Sex & Love Co Community 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions