Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt is on the show to share her stories, wisdom, and inspiration on becoming better at loving yourself and deepening your self-intimacy. She unravels her journey of going from ballet to topless dancer, turning her shame into dangerous beauty and learning to live with her heart wide open. Through her sharing and teachings on intimacy, you’ll learn how to become better at loving yourself, in turn discovering how to call your person in and create a deep, conscious relationship.

Today on That Sex Chick:

Allana’s path from erotic dancer to intimacy expertTransmuting the male gaze into personal powerChoosing to keep your heart open after grief & traumaCommon blindspots for our self-intimacyHow to deepen self-intimacy to call your partner in

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IG: @allanapratt Website: 

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Instagram: @thatsexchickWebsite: sexandlove.coFree resources: Group: Sex & Love Co Community 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions