Today, Alexa is joined by Megan Yelaney, a business mentor who helps entrepreneurs find their unique coaching voice and stand out in the market. But today, Megan is opening up about something more personal — how her marriage and sex life was impacted by her rapidly growing business. She shares how her marriage almost fell apart and how she and her husband came back together to create a new dynamic that works for them. From redefining traditional gender roles to prioritizing their relationship over business, Megan gets real about their struggles and triumphs, and what they’ve done to  transform their marriage and sex life. Get ready for a juicy and candid conversation about love, sex, and entrepreneurship!

Today on That Sex Chick:

How Megan & her husband reinvented their marriageImportance of prioritizing your marriage over your businessWhy scheduling intimacy is a game changer for relationshipsWhat teamwork looks like in business and loveQuality of relationships and surrounding yourself with positive influencesRedefining traditional gender roles in marriage

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Connect with Megan:

Instagram: @meganyelaney Website: Podcast: The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur

Connect with Alexa:

Instagram: @thatsexchickWebsite: sexandlove.coFree resources: Group: Sex & Love Co Community 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions