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Listener Jasmine sent in this eye-witness report of Rainn Wilson's appearance at the University of California,

I just thought I would let you know as a fan of both your show and The
Office, that Rainn Wilson came to my university today (University of California,
Irvine) and gave a speech on his Baha'I believes and world peace. I will start
off by saying Mr. Wilson is much, much more handsome in real life but just as
antsy. He was intelligent (he has a MBA) and funny if not a little easily
distracted. We were not allowed to take pictures or get autographs, but Mr.
Wilson let everyone take a few at the beginning of his presentation. Several
office questions were asked, most of which sucked.

Here is the dirt he shared:

1. The Office spin off series will feature no one from the original show (no one
who works in the office)
2. He will not run with John Mc Cain because Baha'I
members cannot hold public office
3. He personally invented the word
"youtubin" (people kept filming him even though he politely asked them to stop
several times. He was very nice about it).

The most interesting part of the
speech was the stuff on Baha'I, not the office questions, which consisted of him
repeating his acceptance speech and singing Ryan started the Fire (that part was
awesome). Overall, I would have enjoyed myself even if the event was not lead by
an actor on my favorite show, but it helped that he was there. I came for the
Rainn, stayed for the Baha'I. I asked him a question, which he said was good,
about growing up in his faith and he claims he has had to turn down a lot of
roles because they conflicted with his faith. Mr. Wilson was modest yet funny,
intelligent yet approachable. I almost forgot the best part, Mr. Wilson said the
only reason we came was so we could say "That's what she said" to him, and at
one point he said to just "Cram it all in there" to which the audience replied
"That's what she said!".

Thanks, Jasmine! Sounds like a fun event.