The culture of Electronic Dance Music can be a wonderful place, with glowing lights, and banging beats, and smiling faces... It can be absolutely blissful. But as much as this community tries to preach Peace, Love, Unity and Respect, not everyone actually follows it to the T. Although we may escape our reality when we go to our favorite music festivals or show (yes, they’re shows, not raves... but I get why you say it... I’ll still correct you though.), this is the real world, and there’s a lot of less than stellar things that can happen to you. From shitty crowds, to shitty experiences... anything can happen. But a lot of these things, I think we can fix and improve for the better. A little awareness can go a long way.

Enjoy this storytime of local clout-chasing, brought to you by Pastor Petty and That’s Soo EDM Podcast.