Howdy sailors! This month, TSFU Presents: Ominous Oceans! Duh-nuh... duh-nuh.. duh-nuh, duh-nuh, duh-nuh, duh-nuh!! Ash and GURU level Patron, TSFU team member and generally amazing friend of the show, Celi Riojas, help you gain a fear of the ocean if you don't already have one. Happy Summer!

In their first episode, Ash and Celi talk about the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Considered one of the most notorious places on earth and haunted but not recognized on official maps, it is located in the Atlantic Ocean, off North America. More than 50 ships and 20 airplanes said to have disappeared in this region, although some sources cite much higher numbers. Ships have been found abandoned for no reason, some transmitted no distress signals before everyone disappeared, some were just never heard from again. In many cases, wreckage has not been found. What the heck is going on here?!

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-Audio editing by Nicole Peek.
-Research assistance by Toni Wormold.
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