This week we hit Dianetics (no, it's not the text book or Bible of Scientology like Ash, and maybe you, though) up through OT (Operating Thetan) Level II. I know... what the hell did I just say, right?!

But that means that TOMORROW you'll finally learn what happens at OT III and trust me y'all... this is what you have been waiting for. You can't gloss over this episode though because there is still some real juicy stuff to go over here!

Find Alex on his YouTube channel to hear soooo much more about Scientology and to see all of the amazing guests he's had on! And as always, don't forget to subscribe to his channel, and like and comment on his videos! And if you haven't yet... please go rate and review us on Apple (you can update old reviews so they come to the top again), or just give us 5 stars on Spotify! IT'S SO VALUABLE AND APPRECIATED FRIENDS!

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-Audio editing by Apostate Alex and Malissa Coulson.
-Research and storytelling by Apostate Alex.