Join us as we kinda sorta prep for The Day The Earth Blew Up (Coming: TBD) By looking at some more shorts from the Browgardt Division! Jordan looks at a tribute to a Looney Tunes classic with 'The Case of Porky's Pants' As well as Sylvester and Tweety causing mayhem at the Vet in 'Fully Vetted' Marc sees Marvin The Martian wanting Bugs' Brain in 'Abducted Bunny' As well as two blackout gag shorts involving Elmer Fudd messing with decoys, Daffy being a psychic as well as a magician, as Jordan sees Porky and Daffy go under the sea in 'Pearl of My Dreams' and Wile Coyote becomes Iron Man in 'Mech-A-Mess'