Tune in to a special edition of That's Entertainment as host Tammy Jones-Gibbs talk with musician and composer Fuller French.   French made his dashing entrance into the music scene with his debut single “Brazilian Sunrise” in 2016. Since then, he has released a collection of EPs for audiences to enjoy.  His current EP and single, “Champagne Rendezvous,” has gained extraordinary success on the Adult Contemporary Media Base Chart. This week, French will release his next single, “I’ll Leave a Key by the Door,” which tells the story of a rekindle romance. Join us as we talk with this Texas born and bred singer, songwriter and pianist who is known for swooning audiences with romantic lyrics and his debonair demeanor on Wednesday, September 18 at 1pm ET/10am PT on www.blogtalkradio.com/tammyjones-gibbs.  

Don't forget to check out Fuller French on his website: www.FullerFrench.com

Follow him on fb: @fullerfrenchmusic

Twitter: @FullerFrench

Instagram: @fullerfrench