Special Christmas Bonus Edition! John spoke with John Espin, the founder of the Stupid Robot […]

Special Christmas Bonus Edition! John spoke with John Espin, the founder of the Stupid Robot Fighting League and went over the ins and outs of the sport, favorite robots and what it takes to participate. You can find all of the fights at the Stupid Robot Fighting League YouTube channel, but we’ve put some below as well so you get a good idea of the sport. Thanks again to John Espin for joining us in the interview and keep an eye out for more sports of the week every single Monday.

Stupid Robot Fighting League is a YouTube Show where two teams of 3 people build a fighting robot from recycled materials in two hours.

The twist is that there are no robotics.

You only need to be able to operate a drill and twist wire to create an awesome fighting robot.

Welcome to Stupid Robot Fighting League!

Two Journalists try Stupid Robot Fighting for the first time!