I think it's fair to say everyone desires to have a happier, healthier, and more empowered life. 


What if I were to tell you that you have access to two fundamental tools to help you do just that? 


Too often we get caught up in the way things are, and we convice ourselves that we don't have the power to change things.  But is that really true?  At The Choice & Courage Company, we believe choice is more abundant and accessible than most people think.  We may not be able to choose what happens to us, but we can make concscious and deliberate choiss on what we learn, how we react, and if and how the event defines us.


Every choice we make help us create and define our own personal authority, and practicing gratitude is a fundamental tool to help you do exactly that.  Science is now telling us that our abilty to reduce, manage, and become reistant to stress beause of Gratitude. In addition, we can balance the chemiccan reduce stress, anxiety, negative emotions,


Choice and Gratitude can work in tandem to help improve your mindset, motivation, and reset your inspiration for creating and living a more purposeful and meaningful life.   


On this episdode of The Diane McClay show, learn:

6 ways gratitude affects your brain
How choice informs your authority, and how tranforms your power
3 simple ways to bring gratitude into your life


Find and activate your personal courage to navigate your life by choice not circumstance.  T