TGS Happens, Halo activates the money skull, we tell you why you should sell Sneak King now, Mario can now rent vehicles, and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the video game industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode :

Pre-Owned Game Buying and Selling Could Be Outlawed

Ninja Gaiden 3 Announced

Halo Sells 200 Million

25th Anniversary of Mario

Activision Tries To Sell Cutscenes

5 Kinect Exclusive Titles Announced at TGS

THQ Blows Its Load

ICO and Shadow of the Colossus HD

Steam is in your Pocket

Dead Rising 2: Case West Announced

Game Ratings

Halo Reach, Metro 2033, Gamecenter

and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the video game industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz