July 14, 2010

On this week’s episode of That Gamer Podcast, Brandon and Ben introduce the show, discuss the proposed violent game law, explore the 1 vs. 100 game cancellation, get excited and creeped out by Milo, discuss an absurdly priced NES, and much, much more. They also tell you what they’ve been playing and rate it on the “FunSplosion Scale” and present you with new releases and early thoughts as well as some entertainment in the “Let’s Visit The Internetz” segment.

On This Weeks Episode :

Violent Game Ban Law

1 vs 100 Gets Axed

Sony’s PS3 3D Warning

Milo Is Not Dead

Kinect On Tour

$35,000 NES

Brutal Legend 2

Sony Fires People

1 Million PS Minis Downloaded

Hulu Plus for PS3

Crackdown 2



Splinter Cell Conviction

Need For Speed World


Summer Of Arcade.