Whosoever listens to this review, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor! Although, not guaranteed.

Thor: Ragnarok is directed by Taika Waititi – a New Zealand director who brings this instalment a fresh injection of comedy. Was this the right move? Is it funny? Is it TOO funny?

The third Thor film and seventeenth Marvel Cinematic Universe movie sees the returning faces of Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Anthony Hopkins (Odin), as well as the addition of Cate Blanchett (Hela), Tessa Thompsons (Valkyrie), and Jeff Goldblum (Grandmaster).

Thor must escape the alien planet of Sakaar to save Asgard from Hela and the impending Ragnarok – an end of the world type situation. What happened on Asgard since the end of Thor 2? How did Thor go with finding those Infinity Stones? And how does Hulk fit into all of this?