Previous Episode: Rush Half-Hour
Next Episode: Baby's Day Out 2

BREAKING NEWS from the distant past, live from the future! The HoF voting happened like 24 hours after we recorded this. Listen and hear how prescient we are! (SPOILER: not very much). Also check yourself before you Veeck yourself as we introduce a new recurring bit. Hilarity! 


Listen to this pod if you want to hear about Matt's Friendship Hall of Fame, First Ballot Baseball Dad, Get Off My Lawn, Fernando Rodney!, Sportswriter Rectum EVP, The 3 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful HoF Ballots, The Cantankerous Murray Chass, The Tyranny of Metrics, The Ferocity of Youth-Adjacentness, Tim Raines Fist Fight, Horse Amphetamines, Roger Clemens' Secret Moon Base, and The Lizard People Leagues. Also baseball! 


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