Welcome to the podcast Russell Nylen! Russell is an anthropologist by training who currently works at the Denver Food Bank as SNAP outreach representative with a focus on rural communities in Colorado. He discusses how his anthropological training has benefited him as a communicator and to be a better ally to people seeking food security. We chat about his time as a student at Syracuse working with the late John Burdick and the impact it has on his career going forward. After completing his degree Russell worked for the Peacecorps and Americorps and describes his experiences with the programs in this episode. An important part of our conversation is where Russell sees his research moving in the future. Russell wants to work in development, but in development that is sustainable and community driven. For his PhD research he plans to work in Brazil in a community that includes his own family. Russell had great things to say about his time visiting Brazil and how music and dance play a big part in the community values. 


Book referenced: The Color of Sound by John Burdick of Syracuse